Tuesday, 3 April 2007


remembering the bad old days of marijauna-induced paranoia, one begins to wonder; at those times the feelings of 'someone is watching' were much stronger than today. now, there are benefits in not being too paranoid, but there is another point which came to mind today...

that is that we, by our very appearance, and actions are being watched, most importantly by our glorious Creator Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala), and then by our fellow beings (human and spiritual - and angelic come to think of it).

now, as muslims representing Islam, we must keep this in mind - that we are the example for anyone who has either; left the path, deviated a little, or not come across it yet - thus we need to be aware that we are being watched, and put forth the best example of Islamic life possible at all times. so those old feelings of paranoia can be put to some good use after all.

of course all this leads to us being even more observable than we've become used to, because it seems that when you take a step in the right direction, more obstacles are strewn in your path. so if one takes this point to mind, and begins to really strive on the sunnahs of our prophet (peace be upon him) and his wonderous companions, so as to show the afore-mentioned fellow creations what the term Islam is supposed to mean, yes - we will face difficulties, but in the true essence of submission to Allah (that which Islam really is), we'll know that it is all in seeking His countenence (Wajh, also meaning 'face', but lets not get into intricacies), and for His pleasure. After that, what more could you want?

ps - thanks jaez