jihad as civil resistance against oppression
Okay so if someone starts punching you and kicking you and tries to drag you into an alley to try and beat you to death, clearly something has gone horribly horribly wrong.
At this point a well worded letter of protest is unlikely to be an appropriate response. Perhaps even speaking might not serve you well either. You need to defend yourself. Block the punches and the kicks. Break free from any grips, and get out of the situation safely and quickly.
This of course doesn't mean kill them. Your aim is to be safe, and stay safe. A violent act provokes a justifiably violent reaction but once you are safe and secure then holding grudges accomplishes nothing.
Now, my view on Jihad is just the same. There are many forms of self defence. If you're attacked militarily, respond militarily. Throwing a good speech at it doesn't stop a mortar from blowing you to bits. But if you're faced with political problems then respond politically, be smart, capable, imaginative and strong... you can get what you want without war. This is of course applies to economy, society, culture, and the manifold spheres of influence within which we all live and grow.
Not being a strong believer in violence what I intend to do here is talk about forms of jihad which are peaceful, and which hopefully extend your choices, and your liberty as you progress toward a more peaceful and just society.
in normal english it's civil resistance against oppression.
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