Wednesday, 28 February 2007


so i've started a job.

new place. new home (well.. not quite yet, still looking.) same sky, same earth, but different faces, different voices, accents, hairstyles, clothes, ways and means.

it's all pretty overwhelming but i'm doing my utmost to keep my folks proud by trying to be cool and calm and taking things one day at a time. So far it's London Day 3, New Job Day 2. Still not found a place yet, so I'm staying in a hostel not too far from the tube station.

The company are really nice, elegantly efficient, communicative, hardworking, focused, and chilled. They are basically the complete reverse of my first experience in work placement which was as horrible as can be imagined. Intermediate jobs have been progressively better, although - perhaps understandibly - I have preferred the independent self managing roles. It is strange having a boss again, albeit a grouchy but so far very nice one.

The most difficult part of this struggle is to try and find my patch in the garden of the city. In more mundane terms this means finding a good place to live, decent places to relax, shop, exercise, and of course: pray. I am looking forward to meeting each of these needs and then find a stillpoint which I can grow into the peace at the heart of my life.

In real pragmatic cynical terms this means looking for a straightforward no-fuss solution to each of these problems. After which I can focus more on the Ph.D and the Job.

The struggle part is in staying away from temptation in the big city. I could easily go out and lose myself and no one except Allah and I would know, but I don't really want to break down my internal sense of self, I am happy that it is being fed, and I feel healthier than I have done in quite some time. I am making progress, albeit slowly and far away from the only home I've known. I have a friend who converted to islam and then went to another country to start his life, I guess I am beginning to see just how courageous he was.


Monday, 19 February 2007


The ten commandments of wartime propaganda, published by Arthur Ponsonby. (courtesy everything2)

  1. "We do not want war"

  2. "The other side is the only one responsible for the war"

  3. "The enemy has the devil's face"

  4. "We are defending a noble cause and not some particular interests"

  5. "The enemy provocates atrocities; if we goof it's never voluntarily."

  6. "The enemy uses unauthorized weapons"

  7. "We have nearly no losses, the enemy's are huge"

  8. "Artists and intellectuals support our cause"

  9. "Our cause has a holy character"

  10. "Those who doubt propaganda are traitors"

Tuesday, 13 February 2007

A poem....

I haven't come here to settle down.
I've come here to depart.
I am a merchant with lots of goods,
selling to whoever will buy.
I didn't come to create any problems,
I'm only here to love.
A Heart makes a good home for the Friend.
I've come to build some hearts.
I'm a little drunk from this Friendship
-Any lover would know the shape I'm in.
I've come to exchange my twoness,to dissapear in One.
He is my teacher.
I am His servant.
I am a nightingale in His garden.
I've come to the Teacher's garden
to be happy and die singing.
They say “Souls which know each other here,
know each other there.”
I've come to know a Teacher
and to show myself as I am.
~Yunes Emre~

Monday, 12 February 2007

some more encouragement

hearsay(s) (and nothing to do with plastic production-line pop)

so, brothers and sisters and surfers - readers all, can this writer be excused from the whole secrecy thing? cos being a cafe-hopper, and not having the luxury or the brain-capacity required, or the time to download, install, learn how to work etc. any little encryption programs, (although that word sounds so intriguing!) and also not really having anything to hide as far as things go, well the excuses could run on but you get the picture...

something heard this morning after fajr ; when faced with un-believers who are suspicious, we say, 'i stand crying in front of Allah, asking that you be guided to Islam, and I hope that then you can be like me, or even better, and thus call others'. and what purpose would hiding our motives serve? it would be an anathema to what we're trying to acheive

calling others to Allah is a part of the rahma (mercy) that must be in our hearts, and love for all of Allah's creations. (to at least give others a chance to experience what we have). now, it involves rejection, and hatred most of the time, but when we have gotten ourselves under control, and thus reached that level of rahma, then we become smoothly submitted to the will of Allah, because as we know from the Qur'an, 'Allah guides whomever He wills'.

we also know that it's not worth fearing anything other than Allah - that means how people respond to us, because we are free of that, as part of the correct understanding of our Lord. there is nothing that is not under His control, or happening by His will, and there is no might or power except in Him. some say there is no reality except Allah, but that gets a tad mystical and not many can grasp the meaning of that one til they've transcended the 'norms' of everyday materialist thinking. but it's all a test, to keep us in check, and make us work on ourselves to stay (or get) on 'the path'.

so take solace in the only Refuge and Protecting Friend, and ask, and direct fear where it is due, and everything's easy insha Allah (God willing).

something heard the other day for the first time; when the inhabitants of hell are placed in it, they will be asked, 'did you ever enjoy anything before this?' and they will respond, 'no, by Allah before this we have never enjoyed anything'. Subhana Allah (how perfect Allah is), we think our life is so long, and we talk of experiential things! Similarly the inhabitants of paradise will be asked, 'did you ever experience any unhappiness before this?' and they will say, 'by Allah no, we have never felt any anguish before'.

amazing stuff, when we think of the trials of this life and how they seem so insurmountable to us when our hearts dont keep remembering Allah, but really, in the real life after death these things wont even register...

so let's take care where our ever-after will be..

how to deal with skinheads

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representations and bridges

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interesting illusions

So last night and the night before that I had a long, and long overdue, chat with someone very close to my heart. This lovely girl had embraced Islam a few months back, and I know just how much of a struggle it's been for her both before, and since, and I was glad to get back in touch with her and see if she that she was okay. In a strange way I think this is her jihad, and it's exemplary of the beginning of any spiritual journey... thought to be fair she's got this wonderful soul and a mind which lights up the world, the patience, understanding and love of a saint, so I'm guessing she's a bit better equipped for her Jihad than a lot of others, myself included.

The thing is that these conversations always lasted longer than I thought they would. The first one, a couple of nights back, lasted for 6 hours! Now.. what can two people talk about for that length of time? Honestly I've no idea. NO. REALLY. Everything and anything and nothing. We spent a lot of it giggling and being sarcy with each other, and I spent a lot of it being grateful for the mercies of the Almighty in bringing birds of paradise back into my cell from time to time.

Easy conversation with someone who gets me, and whom I care about. I think I like it just because it gives me hope that one day I'll settle with some lovely gal who'll won't end the night by switching off the screen, but just roll over and cuddle up with me. A man has to have dreams.

I've been toying with the idea of publishing an email address and encrypting a few of my posts. I know a fair few folk read this now, and I was taken aback somewhat with the number of comments that got sent to GJ about previous stuff in this blog, most of it positive. I know the reason why the comments aren't allowed, and suffice to say I think it's a good idea for now. But back to the point... I think encryption has a real role to play a modern and free society, and most especially in blogs where people are talking about sensitive issues where trust is a key component. If nothing else it's good practice. And let's be honest people speak much more easily when they are sure no one is secretly watching them.

So I went for a hunt across the net for some encryptions packages. []

You can find Gnu Privacy Guard Program (GPG) at (It is very nice and walks you through most things. you'll need to read it and play around with the command line (i know this scares a lot of people but it's really no more difficult than typing a letter on word) and should set you up with keys in no time.)

Finding a decent version of PGP is a bit trickier. The easiest way to get a free version is to download the trial version from

A better way (and program) is which is much more useful in real terms than the corporate version of pgp from the site. Most of what you'll want to do is encrypt files and post them to your blog, or email them to folks who you know. It makes this easy.

I'll write a proper tutorial in a while. Hopefully that should encourage a few folks to get their toes wet and try it out.

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Sunday, 11 February 2007

A Beautiful Poem from Rumi

Keep on knocking
‘til the joy inside
opens a window
look to see who’s there.....

Inner wakefulness.

This place is a dream
only a sleeper considers it real
then death comes like dawn
and you wake up laughing
at what you thought was your grief.

A man goes to sleep in the town
where he has always lived
and he dreams he’s living
in another town
in the dream he doesn’t remember
the town he’s sleeping in his bed in
he believes the reality of the dream town
the world is that kind of sleep.

Humankind is being led along an evolving course,
through this migration of intelligences
and though we seem to be sleeping
there is an inner wakefulness,that directs the dream
and that will eventually startle us back
to the truth of who we are


encouragement : - )

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Thursday, 8 February 2007

emotional awareness of others in jihad

So today I went for a drink with friends. And I found out that a lot of the stuff I worrk about, well, honestly I'm not alone in it. I think anyone who pays a bit of attention to trends realises that on quite a lot of fronts life can be a bit unpleasant, but I guess what irks me... and I'm sure irks a lot of other folk as well... is when it's made deliberately worse by others out of thoughlessness, selfishness, and at times outright malice.

I've been thinking a lot recently about emotion as affect. I know the traditional view is that emotions are responses to things which happen in our world, internal and external.. but i find that they tend to go beyond that in ways that seem initially counterintuitive.

For example, laughter is infectious, so is contempt, grief, and some forms of fear. There are countless other examples, but I'm sure we're all familiar with the feeling of walking into a group and being carried up into a better mood by them, or being dragged down. 9 times out of ten when I smile at someone then look at me, blink, relax and smile back. I guess this is an inbuilt thing, perhaps an offshoot of our empathy, a psychological defence mechanism to allow us to understand how other people are looking at the world right now and so adapt ourselves to say and do things they understand. There is an odd link here to dominance/submissive tendencies here as well.

A powerful personality projects a world view in which they are superior, and they are comfortable in the knowledge they are in control, in charge... I'm sure you've heard of, if not personally been around people who exude 'an aura of power' or 'sense of presence'. I think they may be emoting as well, in a subtle way they are projecting a social order field amongst those who are around them, who are behaving as if they are in charge, and who eventually become passive and accepting as a result.

I mean social order is very important. We don't generally want to mess it up because even the thought of it leaves us anxious, frustrated, and sometimes confused. But oddly you can punch a whole right through that sense of puffed up power that some people carry around with them, and the way to do that is to tune into your own emotional sense. Become aware of your feelings, and you'll suddenly be free of their spell, test the limits of their knowledge with searching questions, as them if they were always like this, if they understand they have limits, if they are comfortable with their humanity, and whether they truly show respect for others... this sort of gentle inquiry done with proper emotional contact dissolves the aura of authority and often prevents people using language as a weapon against you.

This should free you up to really get on with your life and not have to worry so much.

Best to think smart,


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Tuesday, 6 February 2007


"For the love of God, no other love seek
In the abode of Soul, no other task seek
Other than the Beloved, never seek another mate
Seek not to doubt, trivia make you weak.
Another love, another task, is an impossible fate
In thy Godly faith, seek not doubt’s stench & reek
In soul’s territory, heart’s courage is great
With such courage turn from strangers and paths oblique.
Half the world like vultures, half carcass-like wait
Cast not vulture’s eyes upon the dead and the meek.
If seduces with looks, with features and trait
Try to see the thorns in that rosy cheek.
Upon temptations dwell not, nor debate
Don’t make a leader from every lost freak.
Trust not the one who turns from love to hate
Secrets of your heart with such do not speak.
If the Light of Wiser Men shone upon you of late
Concern not yourself with this passing garden’s state."

by Rumi (famous Muslim poet)


in the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

all praise is due to Allah, may His Blessings and Peace be upon our master Muhammad, and upon his companions and whoever follows them til the Day of Judgement.

a fitting beginning, insha' Allah (if Allah wills), and nice to be a contributor, even if we are all ghosts, or mere figments in our respective imaginations..

as it came as a surprise to be invited and handed the capability to add to this frame of thoughts and opinions, it may take a little while before this author can actually formulate a concrete opinion on the current topic of conversation/exposition.

so this is a mere introductory experiment, to test if one belongs among an intellectual elite.

As an 'ayah (or two) for the day';

As for one who fears the Presence of his Lord, and forbids himself from his desires, indeed the Garden is the abode. (79:40-41)

Let us be able to ponder over this, and see how we can apply it to ourselves. Perhaps that's step one?

Peace and goodwill to all who accept it.

Monday, 5 February 2007

some common misconceptions regarding jihad

Jihad means 'struggle', as in strive.

More precisely it means spiritual struggle.

For Islam this encompasses a lot of things. I mean for me, personally, it is about creating an independent space within which I can move and act freely according to my real moral self. That means living beyond the crisis management mode in which we humanfolk often find ourselves.

I do this in a number of ways.

I try to think deeply and comprehensively about what makes up my life, what things mean to me, etc etc, but leaving aside the abstract I mostly try to think ahead and avoid troubles before they start.

I mean I chose to be educated as highly as possible because I'm aware this solves a lot of problems even before they begin, and also, frankly it opens a lot of doors. I tried to pick a career which pays well so I don't have to worry so much about being able to pay my bills. I also picked something I've a natural feeling for, and from which I get satisfaction. That gives me some emotional peace of mind.

It's not everything though, not by a long shot. I have yet to learn how to manage my relationships (as one example) and I'm reliably informed (by everyone) that this can take an entire lifetime to get right, depending on your family and friends. But for me, I take things one step at a time, and do the best I can, that way I can focus of what I think is the important stuff, while knowing the other things are taken care of, and I'm free.

So for me one of the key things about Jihad is the ability to reflect, to have a safe peaceful space in which to consider and act without reactionary pressures, and the ability to choose.

I'm welcome to suggestions for other forms of jihad?

Sunday, 4 February 2007


so let's say you've got a project you want to be successful, and it's likely to run into people who are going to try to stop it.

of course you could broadcast your intentions and how you are going to do things and then deal with the fallout as the opposition turns up at critical points in your project's development to hinder you.

A much simpler way is not to tell them what's happening. This is what most people do, however you've got to tell the people involved in your project what's going on, where to meet, what to do, if they have any problems etc... and to avoid unnecessary friction you have to do it in a way which outsiders won't be able to intercept.

A secure form of communication is needed. Encryption is Your Friend.


Let's not mince words. There are a few things essential for any kind of effective resistance movement.
  • Lateral communication
  • organisation
  • speed
  • surprise
  • secrecy

Encrypting your communications achieves one directly and enables the rest. By all means work on stuff in normal form, but if you create or come across anything sensitive save it in strong encrypted form and only transport it to other people in that form.

As standard you should encrypt:

  • emails
  • attachments
  • documents
  • downloads
  • EVERYTHING connected to what you've done in the past.
  • ANYTHING connected to what you MAY do in the future.

Always use the strongest encryption possible. I would recommend PGP or GPGP with a public/private key pair. These run on open source systems which rely on pure mathematics for their strength, and consequently are highly trusted. The strongest key pair would take thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of years with a supercomputer to break. The advent of Grid technologies does make some key's more easily crackable through brute force testing, however 2056 and higher strength keys should still be adequate for most tasks in the forseeable future.

Remember privacy doesn't licence you to break the law, nor to act in an immoral fashion. It simply gives you more flexibility and freedom to carry out your plans without packet sniffers, malware, and spyware to see what you're doing.

There are encryption tutorials all over the net. Go find a good one and look over it. I'm not going to do your work for you.

Good luck!

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some basic resources for a jihadist which i've found useful

  • a decent copy of the Quran in your language, with the original Arabic for comparison.
  • pencil, pen, and a notebook.
  • a library card (research, study, quiet time, writing etc)
  • gym membership (stress relief and personal improvement)
  • a personal first aid kit (obviously in case you or another member of the public gets hurt)
  • a basic survival kit (check out the SAS manual for one of these, nice and versatile)
  • comfortable shoes (can't stress how important this item is)
  • breathable clothes with free range of movement (ironically shalwar kameez is perfect, but you may have to settle for loose jeans and t-shirts or something)
  • Gore-Tex waterproof/breathable jacket and (if possible) over trousers.
  • a map of the local area with a street index and cool meeting places and hangouts identified
  • a mobile phone with at least one 'pay as you go' SIM card. (handy for calling for help from the emergency services in a tight spot)
  • a simple stainless steel pocket knife. (keep oiled and sharp, remarkably handy)
  • addresses and directions to: your local GP/mosque, hospital, police station, court house, MP/Councillor, City/Town Hall.
  • a bar of Galaxy Chocolate (to nibble and maybe offer to girls)
  • some breath mints ( to use and maybe to offer to guys )
  • a cloth handkerchief (preferably two)
  • A card with your blood type, allergies and contact details for someone who will care if you are hurt.
  • at least enough spare cash to pay for two days travel, food, and comfortable accomodation. (in case you and some pals end up going on a road trip to a city to hear someone speak)
  • a good robust non-fiddly digital camera (preferably Canon for colour reproduction, or Sony for clarity)
  • an anonymous blog registered with a disposible email address
  • personal stereo/mp3 player with Sony In Ear headphones so people don't disturb your reverie, and don't get offended if you don't happen to notice them. (avoid iPods and the white earphones, they carry a higher risk of mugging)
  • a discreet reliable accurate analogue watch
  • at least one reliable means of medium range personal transport (bike, motorbike, car, etc)
  • a couple of folded envelopes, enough stamps to get them across the world, and at least two sheets of plain writing paper. (never underestimate the power of an impromptu letter)
  • A usb flash drive (at least 512MB) with a list of useful applications installed (most notably encryption.)

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Conflict Conversations

A conflict conversation is something we've ALL dealt with. It's when the media says or does something which highlights and 'issue' with your perceived identity.

For women it could be abortion, or periods or something else highly personal. For Jews it's likely something about Israel. For Hindus it can be the 'Sacred Cow' thing, and for Muslims it can be any hot islamophobic topic in the press at the moment - terrorism, the hijab, al-qaeda, extremism, radicalisation, iraq, afghanistan, guantanamo bay, abu ghraib etc etc.

These things are supposed to push a person's buttons. The questioner is NOT really interested in the topic - if they were they would read about it properly on their own, think about it, and do something about it, and move on. No, they are doing it either to put pressure on you, get a primer (information/soundbite mining) on the topic, or draw you into an argument so that you ideally just meekly accept what they want to say about the issue, or (much more likely) you disagree with them and they can take the moral high ground and say you were 'unreasonable' or 'close minded' or something else which is as dismissive.

And that's the point, it's about being dismissive.

So how do you deal with it??

Simple as ABC: Avoid. Break Balance. Control.


Point out there's plenty of reading material available, and that if they want say a genuinely islamic perspective they are welcome to read the Quran or to investigate the journals in the local library and make up their own mind. They will usually want to avoid the work so they'll say something like 'But, hon, I want YOUR opinion' (they don't) to which the neatest reply is 'My opinion changes the more I read and find out what is actually going on, and I'm sure yours will also.' Then move on. Don't let them start up again.

Break Balance

So now you've somehow found yourself in the discussion, either late entry, or some other way... what do you do? The simplest way is to point out that it IS a conflict conversation, and that the true way to find out about Islam is to spend time with muslims and learn how they live.
Tell the person you will extend an invitation to them to visit the mosque during say ramadan, or to hang out with a few muslims as friends, maybe go to the cinema, take in a ball game, or something normal in every day life. Say that when this person is in the company of more muslims that if it's still on their mind they can raise it. 99% of all conflict conversationalists do not take up this invitation as it would force them to be sincere and show trust in muslims(/jews/hindus/the person they are afraid of really engaging with). If they say they are too busy or the equivalent, say you're also too busy to answer and move on.


It will not change their opinion, and may exhaust and frustrate you. Keep that in mind.


Firstly do not ever try to explain the issue, counter intuitive as it sounds this only makes things worse. For both of you.

Listen to the question and no matter what they ask, ask them: What they understand about the issue? Then -crucially- ignore what they tell you and point out their information is incomplete, which you guess is why they asked you.. They will agree. Then ask them why the issue matters to them personally?

They will either say it's of general interest (at which point you say you would otherwise love to discuss it with them but it would take too long and you don't have time/resources to go into the relevant details and point them to a library but - NOT the internet) or make something up (easy to spot, and use the socratic method of exploring the reasons and keeping the focus on their psyche and their motivations until they volunteer to move onto a different conversation - be heartless this is for the best for both of you), or they come up with a genuine sounding reason, in which case say that any insight you could give would be far less rewarding than reading and thinking about the issue themselves from genuine sources.

Advise them to get a copy of the Quran in English, and also, of course the Hadith, and commentaries. Say they may find it fruitful to read about the history of Islam or spend time in Mosques etc...

And there you go.. your interrogator should either be deflected from their original evil intent, or on their way to genuine enlightenment through their own labours. At the very least they'll think you're not worth the trouble, and hopefully leave you in peace.

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okay, so let's begin

so as an individual, how to I begin a jihad?

Short answer: I don't know.

Long answer: there are some promising places to start.

For the sake of reducing anxiety I'm going to run with the long answer for now. My first impluses towards jihad came a long time ago and were related to the disparity between the every day world I was walking through and the ideal of a moral world which didn't seem that far out of reach. Frankly from such a vague starting place you can go in a lot of directions... philosophical introspection into the nature of the world and morality, a birth of psychological analysis and behaviour modification, more broadly an urge to take part in activism and political action, and even more broadly still to change the nature of the economy and eliminate things like poverty which seemed connected to much of the suffering which everyone can see. Of course being a young'un and somewhat of a coward I took the easy route of retreating into myself and hoping that bigger and better people would come along and change the world for the better.

This is known as the Ostrich Approach. (for those who don't know, an ostrich is an oversized bird that is reputed to bury it's head in the sand at the first sign of danger, and to wait in this ridiculous position until the danger has passed. This is seldom a successful strategy.)

Long story short, it didn't work. So I started thinking about how best to do something worthwhile. And came up with a few basic ideas:

Jihad happens on several fronts:

1. the individual and themselves.
2. between the individual and other individuals
3. between a person and a group
4. between groups.
5. between individuals and the environment
6. between groups and the environment.

(there are more subtle variations, mostly to do with plurals of groups or persons, but that is the meat of it.)

The first one, a jihad within oneself is called the Greater Jihad. It's the greater part of the spiritual journey towards God, and is all about making you a better person. The other parts comprise what is known as the Lesser Jihad, or basically the struggle to come into a moral relationship with the world. It's the more overt but actually less important Jihad that gets all the advertising.

Jihad means 'Struggle'. It does not mean 'Holy War'.

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chatter of minds

Okay, so there will be authors here other than yours truly. You can see them on the right. Mr Odin and Jaez are welcome as the first pair and you should be aware that they are responsible for what they say (not I) and quite probably they won't agree with me, you, or each other, and if they are sane, even with their own comments from the past. People think and revise and talk as they go along. That's normal, that's life, so I guess we'll just have to live with it.

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Saturday, 3 February 2007


"they (the US soldiers) held her down, a 14 year old girl, and raped her one by one while her mother, father, and five year old brother were locked in the next room, hearing her scream, and banging on the door for them to stop. Finally the noise bothered one of the soldiers so much he went next door and killed each of them, starting with the little boy. Then he came back, took his turn in raping her, and they shot her to kill her once he was done. They poured petrol over her still moving body and set it alight, and tried to hide the bodies of the family. They left the house, changed out of their black clothes and burned them. They were back at camp in less than half an hour."

The murder of Abeer Qassim Al-Janabi (and her family),,1926954,00.html

It is my strong personal belief that this shouldn't happen to anyone in this day and age. This alone is enough to make me want to fight for a better world, a more moral place, where children are free from such terrors. I want a peaceful just world, where no one can ever do this sort of thing to another.

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Friday, 2 February 2007

jihad as civil resistance against oppression

Okay so if someone starts punching you and kicking you and tries to drag you into an alley to try and beat you to death, clearly something has gone horribly horribly wrong.

At this point a well worded letter of protest is unlikely to be an appropriate response. Perhaps even speaking might not serve you well either. You need to defend yourself. Block the punches and the kicks. Break free from any grips, and get out of the situation safely and quickly.

This of course doesn't mean kill them. Your aim is to be safe, and stay safe. A violent act provokes a justifiably violent reaction but once you are safe and secure then holding grudges accomplishes nothing.

Now, my view on Jihad is just the same. There are many forms of self defence. If you're attacked militarily, respond militarily. Throwing a good speech at it doesn't stop a mortar from blowing you to bits. But if you're faced with political problems then respond politically, be smart, capable, imaginative and strong... you can get what you want without war. This is of course applies to economy, society, culture, and the manifold spheres of influence within which we all live and grow.

Not being a strong believer in violence what I intend to do here is talk about forms of jihad which are peaceful, and which hopefully extend your choices, and your liberty as you progress toward a more peaceful and just society.

in normal english it's civil resistance against oppression.

Jihad for Dummies

Hello and welcome to Smart Jihad. This webspace will be inscribed in English for your comfort and ease. You are free to post comments on anything written here, and say what is on your mind. No one will likely read this site anyways, so I guess that's pretty liberating. : - )

I going to ask you respect human life and the souls of others. Not just as a disclaimer you understand, I don't like the idea of nutjobs venting their spleens at other people. Take it outside, work THROUGH your emotions, have a breakthrough with some kleenex in front of an overpaid jumper-wearing psychiatrist in a dimly lit office as he/she draws pictures of you on their notepad.. But not here.

Here we talk about how to change the world. This is about Jihad.